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Dr. Ahmed mohammed kamel tohamy :: Theses :

Title Assisted Liposuction with Abdominoplasty Versatility and Results
Type MSc
Supervisors prof.dr.gamal elhabaa
Year 2017
Abstract : Background:Abdominoplasty is an important and common procedure in plastic surgery ,the final results may not always be aesthetic pleasing. To overcome these problems abdominoplasty has been paired with liposuction which amazingly led to lower complication rate. The procedure has been updated to prove in its current form to be trouble-free.Aim:Toevaluate,safety and surgical outcome of assisted abdomenoplasty with liposuction for abdominal contouring.Methods:30 female patients, underwent assisted liposuction with abdomenoplasty of abdomen in the Banha university hospital. All patient indicated for traditional abdominoplasty were selected from plastic surgery outpatient clinic in for this procedure; all were having generalized abdominal lipodystrophy, skin laxity and musculo-aponeuroticflaccidity.Results:. In eleven cases, we observed the presence of seroma (36.7%) and it was solved with aspiration with a syringe.There were five cases of umbilical complications and two cases of wound dehiscence (6.7%)secondery suturing done, The superior and inferior borders were effectively accommodated, because of the uniform thickness of the fatty tissue as a result of liposuction. Consequently, we observed that there was a low incidence of ‘‘dog ear’’ deformity which managed by liposuction and the final scar was shorter. We also observed an improvement in the body shape and in the body contour with marked improvement in subcostal, umbilical and suprapubic girths, resulting in a more youthful abdomenConclusion:combiningabdominoplasty and abdominal liposuction, is a safe procedure that achieves gratifying results. It promotes a more youthful abdominal silhouette, better matching between the abdominal flap and the pubis, and a shorter scar. We believe that it is a safer way to treat the abdominal region than classical abdominoplasty and has a fewer complications.
University benha univeristy
Country egypt
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