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Ass. Lect. Ahmed Gamal Khattab Ibrahim :: Publications:

Parametric quintic spline for time fractional Burger’s and coupled Burgers’ equations
Authors: D.A.Hammad, Mourad S.Semary, Ahmed G.Khattab
Year: 2023
Keywords: Parametric quintic spline method; Fractional Burger’s equation; Fractional coupled Burger’s equations; Von Neumann stability analysis
Journal: Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering
Volume: 9
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-17
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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In this paper, the numerical solutions of time fractional Burger’s and coupled Burgers’ equations are obtained using the parametric quintic spline method with a local truncation error of order eight in distance direction. Additionally, the von Neumann method was utilized for studying the stability analysis of the present method. Finally, to show the accuracy of this method, some examples with different cases for Burger’s and coupled Burgers’ equations are presented and their results are compared with the previous methods.

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