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Ass. Lect. Ahmed Gamal Khattab Ibrahim :: Publications:

A novel stochastic ten non-polynomial cubic splines method for heat equations with noise term
Authors: Aisha F. Fareed, Ahmed G. Khattab, Mourad S. Semary
Year: 2024
Keywords: Non-polynomial splineStochastic partial differential equationsWhite noise
Journal: Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics
Volume: 10
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 100677
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
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Full paper Not Available
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In this paper, a new numerical method for solving a class of stochastic partial differential equations is presented. The proposed method is based on a non-polynomial cubic spline algorithm with an O(h4) local truncation error. The new approach has the advantage of simultaneously including ten non-polynomial cubic spline schemes. The proposed approach is also tested on three stochastic heat equations. The current results are compared to solutions obtained using the B-spline wavelet approximation method. The provided solutions demonstrate the proposed method's accuracy and applicability.

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