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Ass. Lect. ahmed mahmoud youssef ali :: Publications:

Some Unusual Generating Integrals Involving Hermite Polynomials
Authors: Ahmed M. Youssef
Year: 2020
Keywords: Hermite Polynomials, Modified Laguerre,Gegenbauer Polynomials and Charlier Polynomials.
Journal: Al_Azhar Bulletin of Science
Volume: 30
Issue: 1-B
Pages: 1-8
Publisher: Ahmed Mahmoud youssef
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper ahmed mahmoud youssef ali_ABSB_Volume 30_Issue Issue 1-B_Pages 1-8 (9).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper we seek to find some bilateral generating functions for some orthogonal polynomials like Hermite, Charlier, Modified Laguerre and Gegenbaur polynomials. These bilateral generating functions can be obtained with the help of the unusual integral formula for Hermite polynomial seen in equation (1.1).

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