You are in:Home/Publications/الاستفادة من متغيرات التركيب البنائي لأقمشة الجوبلان في الحصول علي تأثيرات جمالية جديدة Utilizing some Fabric Structure Factors of Gobelin fabrics in Obtaining new color effects

Dr. Ahmed Mossad Ahmed Sayed Mosaad :: Publications:

الاستفادة من متغيرات التركيب البنائي لأقمشة الجوبلان في الحصول علي تأثيرات جمالية جديدة Utilizing some Fabric Structure Factors of Gobelin fabrics in Obtaining new color effects
Authors: Ahmed Mosaad; Adel Abo khozim; Gamal Abdel Hamid Radwan
Year: 2021
Keywords: Gobelin Fabric - color effects for Gobelin fabrics - Gobelin weaves – wall Hangings
Journal: The Arab Association of Civilization and Islamic Artsآ
Volume: 8
Issue: 40
Pages: 21
Publisher: Ahmed Mosaad Sayed
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Mossad Ahmed Sayed Mosaad_research 1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Textile designs are one of the most important means to attract the consumer and market of the textile product, and since the operational methods are based on experience and simulation without reference to accurate technical standards, where the implementation methods often simulate some imported designs without developing the operational methods and their suitability for performance Career. Gobelin fabrics are one of the ancient textile methods, used in the production of upholstery and hanging fabrics , where the main purpose of the research is to developing innovative methods for designing Gobelin fabrics,where most of the goblin designs execute in a stereotypical style that depends, as in the first experiment, which use three weft colors, but the second experiment use five weft colors and third experiment use six weft colors , which not used in the market and are implemented with innovative textile structures from the researcher’s hypotheses by varying the number of colors and raw materials of the weft used , through the difference in the number of colors and type of weft materials used, to determine the effectiveness of the artistic and technical performance of each design method, which create competition in the design field quickly , to fit the positive requirements of production . The main variables to methods and curriculum design innovative by the researcher to control their rates to determine the technical dimensional as follows: - 1. Variation in the number of weft colors used (3colors - 5 colors - 6 colors). 2. Type of weft materials used (cotton - polyester). By this method, 6 samples were produced for one design suitable for use with Goblan fabrics. The samples were woven and the executive methods used in the implementation of the research samples were analyzed, and the best method was selected from them based on a questionnaire presented to specialists.

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