The present study was conducted on jojoba meal and its protein isolate to evaluate its chemical and biological characteristics as an alternative source of protein materials. Defatted jojoba meal contained 31.89*1 .12% crude protein, sIlI)1()l(isi1i 3.33±0.02%, total phcnolic compounds 2.67±0.02%. Phytate content. was found to be 2.39±0.05% in the defatted meal. Glutamic and aspartic acids were the most abundant amino acids. The total essential aimno acids content was 37.1%.
Solvent extraction, heat and chemical methods have been used for
detoxification of jojoba meal to make it palatable and nutritionally acceptable as a livestock feed ingredient. The better solvent for extraction was isopropanol-water (7:3), which eliminated 83.48% of simmondsin,
51.3 1% of total phenolic compound and 27.62% of phytic acid contained in defatted jojoba meal. 1-leating was less effective but more selective than isopropanol for elimination of antinutritional materials. Heating at 100°C for 3 h was the best heating treatment in removing the antinutritional factors.
Rats fed on untreated jojoba meal showed a significant increase in lipid
profile e.g. triglycerides and total cholesterol. The activities of liver
enzymes (ALT & AST) were significantly increased, such finding indicates the incidence of liver dysfunction. The level of serum creatinine and urea did not alter. On the other hand, the rats group which received 10 % jofoba protein isolate revealed improvement in weight gain and the investigated serum parameters.