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Dr. Ahmed Mostafa Ibrahim Abo sakaya :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Predictive Value of Thoracic Trauma Severity Score in Morbidity and Mortality in Chest Trauma Patients In Progress
Comparative study between intrathecal Low dose Pethidine and intrathecal Magnesium Sulfate for the prevention of post-spinal anaesthesia shivering in cesarean section In Progress
Effect of Noninvasive Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Versus High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygenation on Management of Type 1 Respiratory Failure In Progress
Comparison of different types of nutritional support in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. In Progress
Haloperidol Vs Olanzapine in The Management of Delirium in ICU Patient In Progress
Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Meperidine for the Treatment of Shivering Following Spinal Anesthesia In Progress
Ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block vs epidural analgesia vs patient controlled analgesia (PCA) for postoperative pain control in open nephrectomy surgery In Progress
Comparison of para-vascular supraclavicular brachial plexus block and costo-clavicular approch of infra clavicular brachial plexus block in providing surgical anesthesia for below elbow surgery Completed
Oral Propafenone versus IV Amiodarone for Pharmacological Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation A Comparative Prospective Cohort Study In Progress
Ultrasound guided adductor canal nerve block vs genicular nerve block for analgesia after primary total knee replacement surgery. In Progress
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