You are in:Home/Publications/Fadl, M. E., Jalhoum, M. E., AbdelRahman, M. A., Ali, E. A., Zahra, W. R., Abuzaid, A. S., Fiorentino, C., D’Antonio, P., Belal, A., Scopa, A. 2023. Soil salinity assessing and mapping using several statistical and distribution techniques in arid and semi-arid ecosystems, Egypt. Agronomy, 13: 583, DOI:

Prof. Ahmed Saeed Fathi Yousef Abuzaid :: Publications:

Fadl, M. E., Jalhoum, M. E., AbdelRahman, M. A., Ali, E. A., Zahra, W. R., Abuzaid, A. S., Fiorentino, C., D’Antonio, P., Belal, A., Scopa, A. 2023. Soil salinity assessing and mapping using several statistical and distribution techniques in arid and semi-arid ecosystems, Egypt. Agronomy, 13: 583, DOI:
Authors: Fadl, M. E., Jalhoum, M. E., AbdelRahman, M. A., Ali, E. A., Zahra, W. R., Abuzaid, A. S., Fiorentino, C., D’Antonio, P., Belal, A., Scopa, A.
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
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Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
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