This STudy was conducTed on 40 paTienTs WiTh rheumaToid arThriTis. All cases "'ere subjecTed TO ven·
TilaTory pulfllonary funCTion TeSTS, bronchial provocaTion TeSTS using meThacholine and brollchoillveola.rIlavage lI'as raken TO STudy iTS cellulariry. 70% were found TO have resTricTive venTilaTory defecT and 309c i 'l'ere fOl/lld To have only small ainvay obSTrUCTion . Of Those having resTricTive defecT. 71.4% shOlred
also small ainmy obSTrucTion. Only 5% were found TO have increased bronchial hyperreacTil'iry. The TO' , Tal BAL cellular counrs and number of neuTrophils were sign{/icanrly increased and alreolar macro·
phages were significanTly reduced in all rheumaToid cases when compared wiTh The conTrol group. CasIes WiTh mild joinT affecTion were all having only small airway obSTrucTion. 66.67% of resfriCTil'e cases Iwere having severe joint affecTion. Conclusion: NOT only The venTilaTory pulmonary funCTions. bronchial ihyperreactil·iry and BAL cellularity were affecTed in cases of rheumaToid arThriTis bUT also they corI relaTe ",ell wiTh The degree ofjoinr affeCTion. |