Eight inbred lines of white maize were crossed in half diallel scheme in 2016 season to assess mean performance, general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability and their interaction with locations. Two experiments were conducted at two locations, viz. Moshthor, (L1) and Sohag (L2) using RCBD with 3 replications in season 2017. Each block consisted of 28 F1 hybrids along with the single cross SC 10. Location mean squares for all traits under study were significant with values in L1 higher than those in L2 for grain yield plant-1. Significant hybrid mean squares were observed for all traits in both and across the studied locations, except for shelling% at L2. Significant hybrid x location mean squares occurred for all traits, except for No. of kernels row-1. The crosses P2xP3, P1xP7, P6xP8, P2xP4 , P1xP8, P4xP8, and P3xP5 exhibited significant and positive superiority over SC 10 mean value for grain yield across the two locations and surpassed the check hybrid by 18.19, 18.13, 15.33, 14.97, 14.23, 11.88 and11.72%, respectively. GCA and SCA mean squares were significant for all studied traits, except for GCA concerning No. of rows ear-1 at L1 and ear diameter at L1 and combined across locations, SCA at L2 for No. of rows ear-1 and shelling%. A large part of total variability for ear height, 100-kernel weight and ear weight plant-1 was non-additive gene action. On the contrary, additive and additive x additive gene action was associated with grain yield plant-1. GCA×L and SCA×L interaction mean squares were significant for most studied traits. P3 and P8 expressed positive and significant ĝi effects for ear and grain yields. The most desirable inter and intra-allelic interactions (ŝij effects) were obtained by the combinations; P1xP7, P3xP5 and P4xP8 for grain yield and ear weight plant-1. |