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Prof. Ahmed Ali Abd El Maksoud El Hosary :: Publications:

Maize hybrids yield potential as affected by plant population density in Qalyubia, Egypt
Authors: Mohamed E. Sidi, A. A. El-Hosary, G. Y. Hammam, El Saeed M. El-Gedwy and A.A. A. El-Hosary
Year: 2019
Keywords: white maize hybrids, S.C. 2031, S.C. 30K8, S.C. 7071, plant population densities
Journal: Bioscience Research
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Pages: 1565-1576
Publisher: Bioscience Research
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Ali Abd El Maksoud El Hosary_1565-1576-16(2)2019BR19-153.pdf
Supplementary materials Ahmed Ali Abd El Maksoud El Hosary_1565-1576-16(2)2019BR19-153.pdf

Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive of 2016 and 2017. To study the effect of three plant population densities on the growth characters, yield components, yield and some kernels chemical properties of three white single cross hybrids of maize. Significantly increased mean values of No. of days to 50 % tasseling, No. of days to 50 % silking, leaf area index (LAI), plant height (cm), ear position % (EP), No. of plants/fed, No. of barren plants/fed (NB), No. of ears/fed (NE), stover yield/fed (kg) (SY) and biological yield/fed (kg) (BY) in both seasons with increasing plant density from 20000 to 28000 plants/fed. On the other hand, mean values of No. of green leaves/plant (NGL), area of topmost ear leaf (cm2) (ATEL), leaf area/plant (cm2) (LA), NE, No. of kernels/row (NKR), ear weight (g) (EW), kernels shelling (%) (KS), 100-kernel weight (g) (100KW), ear yield/fed (kg), grain yield (GY)/fed (kg), GY/plant (g), harvest index (%) (HI), kernels nitrogen content (KNC), kernels crude protein content (KCPC), nitrogen uptake/fed (kg) (NU) and protein yield/fed (kg) (PY) were significantly decreased in the two seasons. All growth traits, yield components, yield and kernels chemical properties were significant differences with the studied three S.C. hybrids of maize. Hybrids were significantly differed in all traits studied under study in the both seasons, except NP at harvest. S.C. 30K8 was significantly surpassed S.C. 7071 and S.C. 2031 in mean values of No. of plants carried two ears/fed, NE, NE, NKR, NKR, GY/fed, GY/plant and HI as well as gave the lowest mean values of NB and the shortest period from planting to tasseling and silking dates in the both seasons. Moreover, S.C. 2031 surpassed the other two hybrids in mean values of area of ATEL, LA, LAI, EW, 100KW, ear yield/fed, BY, KNC, KCPC, NU and PY in the two seasons. Meanwhile, S.C. 7071 recorded the highest mean values of NGL, PH, EP, KS and SY in the two seasons. Planning maize hybrid of S.C. 30K8 at 20000 plants/fed recorded the greatest mean values of NE, NKR and HI as well as gave the lowest mean values of NB in the both seasons, while, sowing the same hybrid by 28000 plants/fed significantly recorded the highest mean values of NE during the both seasons. The greatest mean values of ATEL, LA, EW, 100KW, EY/fed, GY/plant, NU and PY in the both seasons were obtained from planting maize hybrid of S.C. 2031 at 20000 plants/fed. Meanwhile, planting the same maize hybrid under 28000 plants/fed significantly recorded the maximum mean values of LAI and BY. Planting S.C. 7071 at 20000 plants/fed recorded significantly the greatest mean values of NGL, NKR and KS during the two seasons. However, planting maize by 28000 plants/fed from the same hybrid significantly gave the maximum mean values of PH, EP and SY.

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