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Dr. Ahmed abdelatif ahmed elnazmy :: Publications:

Three-dimensional ultrasound markers of ovarian reserve in fertile and infertile females
Authors: Mohammed Abdulhadi Farag, Mahmoud Abdullah Abdul Fattah, Ahmed Alnezamy*
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed abdelatif ahmed elnazmy_dr Ahmed Alnezamy paper1.pdf
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Objective: Evaluation of the differences between fertile and infertile females regarding the threedimensional ultrasound markers of ovarian reserve and between the right and the left ovaries in women in each group. Participants and method: After inclusion, One hundred infertile and one hundred fertile women had a 3D power Doppler transvaginal scan in the early follicular phase (between the third and the fifth day of the menstrual cycle). The outcome measures included are: antral follicle count (AFC), small(2-6mm) AFC, larger (7-9mm) AFC, total ovarian volume (OV) and ovarian vascular indices; vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and vascularization flow index (VFI). The data from the right and left ovaries were compared. Results: The mean AFC, small AFC (2-6mm), mean VI and mean VFI of fertile group was significantly higher than the infertile group. The mean OV of infertile group was significantly higher than the fertile group. The difference between the mean of larger (7-9 mm) AFC and mean FI were statistically insignificant. Regarding the RT and the LT ovaries in the infertile group AFC, FI and VFI show a statistical significant difference; OV and VI show a statistical nonsignificant difference. In the fertile group; AFC, OV, VI, FI and VFI show a statistical non-significant difference. Conclusion: AFC especially small (2-6 mm) follicles are the best ultrasound marker of the ovarian reserve.OV alone should not be considered as a predictor of ovarian reserve. Evaluation of the ovarian stromal vascularity needs further research as a marker of ovarian reserve. Evaluation of the right and the left ovaries separately is recommended but further studies are needed to confirm th

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