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Dr. Ahmed Shehatta Mohamed Elwany :: Publications:

فلسفة السرد
Authors: Ahmed Elwany
Year: 2015
Keywords: السرد، التراث العربي، القصص، النقد الأدبي
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: منشورات ضفاف ومنشورات الاختلاف ودار الأمان ـ بالتعاون مع الشبكة المغاربية للدراسات الفلسفية والإنسانية
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Shehatta Mohamed Elwany_2.jpg
Supplementary materials Not Available

Philosophy outwardly and inwardly in the animal stories Hence, the symbolic narrative task of reform-dimensions; perhaps even aesthetic, has allowed the world of symbols for Animal author to enjoy a great deal of freedom of expression, and permitted him Alajtra clear and explicit public exchange, the cast of his quiver arrows correct to referees layer, represented in correspondences narrative severe impact together and influence on everyone working in the political field or join the service and the rulers, for they are deterred from what it before it is too late.

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