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Prof. Ahmed Elmaghawry Mrwan :: Publications:

personality traits and their relationship to the sport competition anxiety state and tactical thinking of the play maker (setter) in the sport of volleyball
Authors: Ahmed al Maghawry mrwan al sayed
Year: 2010
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Elmaghawry Mrwan_2.pdf
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Research Abstract Research Title:" personality traits and their relationship to the sport competition anxiety state and tactical thinking of the play maker (setter) in the sport of volleyball". Researcher Name:Ahmed al Maghawry mrwan al sayed The research aims to identify the personality traits and their relationship of sport competition anxiety and tactical thinking of the play-maker (setter) in the sport of volleyball . The researcher used the descriptive approach as one of the branches of the analytical method - to describe what an object in the ocean sports is. The study was conducted on a sample of (38) play-maker (setter) of the setters of the first class teams, men s volleyball Champions League participants (A) in (A.R.E), 2009/2010 season and deliberate manner, The results of this study . there is correlation statistically significant between the degree of each dimension for the list of competition anxiety and the intensity (cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, self-confidence) and the degrees of the dimensions of a list of Freiburg s personality and of (nervousness, depressive, control, stop or control), while were not related to statistically significant correlation between the degree of severity of anxiety dimensions and degrees of other dimensions to the list of Freiburg personality (aggressiveness, ability to raise, social, calm). The results also showed a correlation statistically significant between the total score for two dimensions of tactical thinking and the degree of each dimension of a list of Freiburg personality (nervous, depressive, social, calm, control, stop (control)), with the exception of two classes dimensions (aggressive, ability to raise), where showed there were no statistically significant correlation . The results also showed a statistically significant correlation between the total degree for two dimensions of tactical thinking and the two dimensions degree (intensity and direction) of somatic anxiety and self-confidence .

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