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Prof. Ahmed Elmaghawry Mrwan :: Publications:

Effectiveness of using the brainstorming technique to learn some basic skills And collection of knowledge for beginners in the sport of volleyball
Authors: Ahmed Al Maghawry MRWAN ALSAYED
Year: 2012
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Elmaghawry Mrwan_7.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract Title: " Effectiveness of using the brainstorming technique to learn some basic skills And collection of knowledge for beginners in the sport of volleyball." Researcher Name: Mr. Marwan Ahmed El Maghawry The research aims to identify the effectiveness of the method of brainstorming to learn some basic skills and collection of knowledge in the sport of volleyball. The researcher used the experimental method using one of the experimental designs, a experimental design two groups, one experimental and one control group using the measurements pre and post test for both groups, This study was conducted on a sample of (50) students from the initial band, Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University for the academic year 2011/2012, by (23.26%) of the original society. The researcher designed an educational program using the technique of brainstorming duration (7) weeks, three units a week, and time of each unit (90) minutes, has been prepared (7) modules commensurate with the nature of the skills in The Research, where is the application of the program during the period from 30/10/2011 to 22/12/2011. The results of this study that the technique of brainstorming a positive effect on learning the skills of passing, Serve, attack for experimental group, and the technique to demonstrate a positive effect on learning the skills of passing, Serve, attack of the control group, and that the rate of improvement in the level of performance skills and achievement cognitive for skills, passing, Serve, attack to experimental group which used the brainstorming technique was better than the rate of improvement in performance skills and achievement cognitive of basic skills in the sport of volleyball for the control group, which has been used to demonstrate the technique.

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