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Prof. Ahmed Attia Abd El_Latief Attia :: Publications:

Heat pump seawater distillation system using passive vacuum generation system
Authors: Ahmed A.A. Attia
Year: 2016
Keywords: Desalination Seawater distillation Heat pump Thermal desalination Passive vacuum
Journal: Desalination
Volume: 379
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 151-165
Publisher: Elsvier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Attia Abd El_Latief Attia_[10] Heat pump seawater distillation system using passive vacuum generation system.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The passive system that generate vacuum is a reliable systems and could allow heat pumps that uses traditional refrigerant to be used in seawater distillation process. This could be done by reducing the saturation temperature of seawater to be matched with the operating temperature ranges of these refrigerants. A proposed system uses heat pump for seawater evaporation and condensation. The suggested system is suitable for remote areas and could be designed and installed in the various sizes. Also the compressor could be run with solar PV panels. The followings are a detailed description of systemwith thermal analysis and energy consumption. It also represents an energy comparison of the proposed systemwith the other desalination methods. The comparison shows that the system gives promising competitive energy consumption

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