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Prof. Ahmed Abdel Azim Ahmed :: Publications:

Impact of A/F ratio on ion current features using spark plug with negative polarity
Authors: Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Naeim A Henein, Ed VanDyne
Year: 2008
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: SAE international journal of passenger cars-electronic and electrical systems
Volume: 1
Issue: 2008-01-1005
Pages: 432-445
Publisher: SAE
Local/International: International
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The increasing interest and requirement for improved electronic engine control during the last few decades, has led to the implementation of several different sensor technologies. The process of utilizing the spark plug as a combustion probe to monitor the different combustion related parameters such as knock, misfire, Ignition timing, and air-fuel ratio have been the subject of research for some time now. The air-fuel ratio is one of the most important engine operating parameters that has an impact on the combustion process, engine-out emissions, fuel economy, indicated mean effective pressure and exhaust gas composition and temperature. Furthermore, air-fuel ratio affects the ion produced during flame kernel initiation and post flame propagation. In this paper, an investigation is made to determine the effect of air-fuel ratio on ion current, using gasoline and methane under different spark plug designs and engine operating conditions. The ion current is produced by using a negative bias and proved to contain enough information about the air-fuel ratio.

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