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Dr. ahmed fahem mohamed ahmed :: Publications:

Artistic and Aesthetic Values of Ancient Egyptian Civilization to Reveal Identity by Using Sportswear"(Artistic Analytical Study)
Authors: k. Elbarbary, A. Abdel Rahman
Year: 2021
Keywords: Ancient Egyptian Civilization, "Gymnastics" Sportswear, Egyptian Identity, Egyptian Tourism
Journal: Journal of Architecture, Arts and Humanistic Sciences
Volume: 6
Issue: 2
Pages: 1307-1331
Publisher: Journal of Architecture, Arts and Humanistic Sciences
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper ahmed fahem mohamed ahmed_MJAF_Volume 6_Issue 2_Pages 1307-1331.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The Ancient Egyptian Civilization is one of the most important and oldest human civilizations and has a high standing among the world. The artistic production was abundant due to its stability and continuity in most of its eras among the civilizations of the ancient world. So the artistic symbols were distinguished by tenderness, simplicity, color harmony, balance, and ingenuity of composition. The interest in sports and activities has also led to increase interest in designing and manufacturing products, tools, and sportswear in Egypt, and accordingly, the need has increased now to direct scientific studies and research to pay attention to sportswear field. The research shows a study of some symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization to benefit to create visions suitable for designing "gymnastics" clothes for sports, with the aim of raising the player's national sense and promoting tourism in Egypt through regional and international sports championship. Researchers make an artistic study of the most prominent forms of the ancient Egyptian civilization with the characteristics of this civilization, as well as the analysis of the technical and functional requirements for sportswear clothing, and employment of symbols and decorative units in the ancient Egyptian civilization distinguished by its charming aesthetics in designing clothes for gymnastics, with the aim of developing the Egyptian economy through promotion Tourist to Egypt and emphasize the Egyptian identity. The results showed the existence of creative motives of the ancient Egyptian civilization that can be used in the design of clothes for different sports performances.

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