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Dr. Ahmed El Desouky Ahmed Mohamed :: Publications:

Analysis of Entropy Generation of MHDMicropolar Fluid through a Rectangular Duct with Effect of InducedMagnetic Field and Slip Boundary Conditions
Authors: A. A. El Desouky, Hassan Nasr Ahamed Ismail, AlyMaher Abourabia, D. A. Hammad, Nasrelden A. Ahmed
Year: 2020
Keywords: Entropy generation, MHD, Micropolar fluid, Rectangular duct, Slip flow, Slip convection, Induced, magnetic field
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Pages: 31-42
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed El Desouky Ahmed Mohamed_Analysis of Entropy Generation of MHD Micropolar Fluid through a Rectangular Duct with Effect of Induced Magnetic Field and Slip Boundary Conditions.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The entropy generation and Bejan numbers (Be,Bm and B f ) for steady, incompressible and laminar micropolar fluid through a rectangular duct with the effects of slip flow and slip convective boundary conditions are calculated. The flow is induced by a constant pressure gradient under an external magnetic field applied in a perpendicular plane to the flow direction. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations of momentum, induction, microrotations, and the energy is used to evaluate the entropy generation and Bejan number numerically using the finite difference method. The effect of various parameters and numbers such as Hartman, Brinkman, Reynolds, magnetic Reynolds, coupling numbers, slip flow and convective parameters is represented graphically.

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