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Dr. Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Hagrasi :: Publications:

Social mass media and political mobility of Egyptians living abroad: A study on a sample of Egyptian teaching staff working at Bisha University
Authors: د/احمد السعيد الهجرسي
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Hagrasi_doc-1.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study aims at uncovering the role that social mass media play in the social mobility of Egyptians living abroad. This has been done through a questionnaire about the dimensions of this role, its components, and the factors that affect it in a sample of Egyptian teaching staff working at Bisha University. The sample was regular and randomly selected (120 items from 300 items) that formed the population of the study. The questionnaire contained the main variables that the study seek to uncover their relationship and effect on achieving the aim of the study. The study used Jurgen Habermas' Theory of the General Field and Communicative Action which helps in understanding the effecting mechanisms that social mass media use in the sociological space through which their effect appears on the social mobility as one of the components of this space. The main findings of the study showed that the determinants of the relationship between social mass media and political mobility of the sample of the study that has been affected by many factors, such as the position of these mass media in the Saudi society and the attitude towards social mass media in general and the political developments that occurred in the Egyptian society before conducting this study and their effect on the awareness of the sample of the avail of the reaction and social mobility through these mass media. The study proved that the extent of the awareness of the sample of the study of the importance of the role that social mass media play on affecting the attitudes of the social mobility of the Egyptians whether inside Egypt or abroad.

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