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Dr. Ahmed Fathy Mosaad Elnokrashy :: Publications:

Ultrasound speckle noise reduction based on motion compounding using Optimized Adaptive Rood Pattern Search
Authors: Ahmed F. Elnokrashy
Year: 2019
Keywords: Ultrasound image enhancement; Speckle noise; Motion compounding; Motion compensation; ARPS: O-ARPS
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Fathy Mosaad Elnokrashy_00 Ultrasound speckle noise reduction based on motion compounding using optimized Adaptive Rood Pattern Search.pdf
Supplementary materials Ahmed Fathy Mosaad Elnokrashy_papers collection.docx

Ultrasound (US) image quality is degraded due to many artifacts, speckle noise is the major one due to the coherent nature of sound wave. Many spatial and compounding image enhancement techniques are proposed. professional sonographers carefully use the image enhancement due to the loses of diagnostic details. Compound enhancement is proposed to enhance the image quality keeping enough texture details for diagnosis [1]. Many compounding methods are proposed frequency compounding, spatial compounding and motion compounding also. This paper uses the motion compounding to despeckle the ultrasound images. The speckle pattern will be decorrelated due to slightly moving the US probe or the organ being imaged. Direct image compounding of the US images will deform the tissue and blur the image. therefore, motion estimation and compensation must be take place before compounding. Optimized adaptive Rood Pattern search (O-ARPS) is proposed based on the original ARPS [2], ARPS is commonly used in video compression. O-ARPS Optimized for the ultrasound images and multicore processing platform. Experimental in vivo frames show that the speckle noise is significantly reduced without degrade the organs boundary, also better image perception achieved due to keeping a few texture details with Timing Performance close to be real time.

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