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Prof. Ahmed Fareed Gamal Al-deen Hamza :: Publications:

Design as the product of the reaction of internal pressures and external pressures within the design method, the International Conference of Azhar University.
Authors: Ahmed Fareed,
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Because designing is so complex process found it useful to this paper to help specially young designers to find their own way in a difficult area . In the same time to try to find ways of discussing qualitative aspects of architecture and raise the land of design aspiration. Design is considered as the reconciliation of a number of pressures which may first appear to be in conflict. Some of these originate from the task itself, and I refer to these as internal pressures. Other are those original around the task itself, and there as they were and I refer to them as external pressers. In reconciling theses pressures the designer deploys what we call way of ordering as design method.

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