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Dr. ahmed adel osman Gerees :: Publications:

Impact of interactive agility on some physical abilities and perceptions kinetic sense and level of fending wall performance for volleyball players
Authors: Ahmed Adel Osman Grace
Year: 2024
Keywords: (Interactive agility - physical abilities - kinesthetic perceptions)
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper ahmed adel osman Gerees_04.pdf
Supplementary materials ahmed adel osman Gerees_04.pdf

The research aims to recognize: the impact of interactive agility on some physical abilities and perceptions of kinetic sense and level of fending wall performance for volleyball players And the researcher used the experimental curriculum of tribal and postgraduate measurement of two groups, one experimental and the other a control suited to the nature of this study, with the aim of identifying the impact of interactive agility on some physical abilities and perceptions of kinetic sense and the level of performance of the repellent wall skill of volleyball players, The search community represents volleyball players and registered Egyptian Volleyball Federation for the 2020/2021 sports season of the Premier League (a) Men, the basic search sample was chosen in the deliberate manner from the players of the Penha Sports Club in Qalyubiya governorate and restricted to the Egyptian Volleyball Federation's records (14) players, distributed to two groups (experimental - control) the strength of each group (7) players, and a number (6) players were selected as a reconnaissance sample of the players of the Muslim Youth Club of Benha to conduct the reconnaissance study and thus become the total sample for research (20) Player, conclusions and recommendations in the light of the research objectives, imposition and approach used, and within the limits of the research sample, its characteristics, statistical treatments, presentation and discussion of the results, the following conclusions were reached: Control Group Training Program achieved positive results with statistically significant differences in some physical variables and perceptions of motor sense and skills under study in dimensional measurement, where improvement rates ranged between (2.42% - 63.82%), the pilot group's training program achieved positive results with statistically significant differences in some physical variables and perceptions of the motor sense and skills under study in dimensional measurement where improvement rates ranged between (1.42% - 93.82%), the pilot group's training program achieved positive results on the control group with statistically significant differences in physical variables and perceptions of the motor sense and skills under study, with improvement rates ranging from 2.61% to 69.5%

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