Objective:The study designed to estimate effects of dietary protein reduction, during pregnancy on the liver of rats.Methodology: Sixty adult Albino rats (30 males and 30 females) were included. At the start of the experiment, all males and females were allowed for mating. Female pregnant rats were divided into 2 equal groups. Group I(control group): includedrats fed on the standard diet. Group IIincludedrats fed on low protein diet. Female rats were weighted just before start and at end of study. Fetuses were extracted, counted and weighted. Liver is extracted and prepared for histopathology and electron microscopy examination. Results:At the end of the study, there was significant decrease of female body weight in study when compared to control group (238.000±4.551 vs 279.466±3.335g). Also, there was significant decrease of net weight increase in study in comparison to control group. The percentage of increase in body weight was 14.00% in studygroup and 34.339% in control group.The number of fetuses/ female showed significant decrease in study when compared to control group (5.0±1.25 vs 10.66±1.95 respectively). Histopatholgical and electron microcopy examination revealed different changes that agree with changes in weight. Conclusion: a protein restricted diet lead to decreased body weight of pregnant females; their offspring body
258Ehab K. Hassan*and Ahmed M.S. Hegazy**AAMJ, VOL (12), NO (2), APRIL 2014and liver weight, when compared to control group. Histopathological and ultrastructure examination revealed different changes (e.g., increased fat droplets, increased glycogen content, cytoplasmic vaculation and cell structure abnormalities). Thus, a well-balanced diet is advocated for pregnant females. Keywords:weight, fetal liver, female rat, low protein diet, pregnancy. |