Experiments were designed and implemented to evaluate yield, its components and quality determinations of faba bean (Faba vulgaris,L) cv. Sakha 3 under nine growth promoting treatments (Control, Benzyl adenine at 50,100 mg/L, Putrescine at 50,100 mg/L, Zinc at 25, 50 mg/L and Boron at 25, 50 mg/L). Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, Kalubia Governorate during two winter growing seasons (2012/13 and 2013/14). Results could be concluded as follows:
Generally, application of the different applied treatments induced significant increases growth characteristics, yield, its components and chemical constituents of faba bean (Sakha 3). Benzyl adenine at 50 or 100 mg/L produced the superior values of the obtained plant height, No. of branches / plant, chlorophyll content, yield, its components and P (%) in the respective two seasons with variable significant magnitudes.
Boron at 25 or 50 mg/L concentrations had the highest values of stem diameter, No. of leaves / plant, leaf area/plant, leaf and stem dry weight, No. of pods / plant, N (%), K (%), Crude protein (%) and total carbohydrates (%) in each of the two seasons with different significant magnitudes .