Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, Kalubia Governorate during two summer growing seasons (2014 and 2015) to evaluate yield and its components of maize variety Hi-tech 2031 under six planting directions: straight (North-South (N-S); East-West (E-W); diagonal (North.Eastern (N.E); North.Western (N.W)); others (Perpendicular (Perp) and Circular (Circ)) using three plant population densities of 16000, 24000 and 32000 plants/fed.. Results could be concluded as follows:
Planting directions, showed that the North.Western rows orientations was superior in producing grain yield, stover yield, plant and ear height, ear weight, ear diameter, number of rows/ear, shelling percentage and cob weight with significant differences of various magnitudes. Meanwhile, the East-West sowing direction was superior for number of kernels / row and light radiation intensity. Also, the highest ear length and seed index were obtained for planting in North.Eastern direction.
Plant population densities, clarified that yield and yield components characters were generally increased as plant population density increased with various variable significant differences except for ear length, ear weight, cob weight, number of kernels/ row and seed index.