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Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Saad Ibrahim :: Publications:

Utilization of different Graphical and Simplified Statistical Model to Analyse The Stability of Various Summer Forage Genotypes
Authors: Baiumy, K. A.; A. A. A. El Hosary and A. M. Saad
Year: 2023
Keywords: Teosinte-maize cross, Pearl millet, Fodder maize and Sudan grass, stability, GGE biplot
Journal: Journal of Plant Production
Volume: 14
Issue: 4
Pages: 191-199
Publisher: Mansoura University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Mohamed Saad Ibrahim_Paper 7.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Plant breeders are very concerned about the presence of genotype environment (G E) interaction since it can significantly lower selection gains and make it more difficult to identify superior genotypes. As an attempt to solve the problem of summer fodder in Egypt, an evaluation was made. Nine genotypes (six teosinte (T)-maize(M) genotypes (T x M (W)106, T x M 202-A, T x M Hytech 2031, T x M Pioneer 30k8(W), T x M pioneer 3444 (Y),T x M SC Giza 168, Pearl millet, Fodder maize and Sudan grass) were evaluated in three nitrogen level (0, 50 and 100 Kg N Fed-1) through 2021 and 2022 summer seasons. The aim of this work is to assess the forage yield performance, determine the magnitude of (G × E) interaction and investigate the stability derived from regression and variance analyses besides using graphical analysis. The crosses T x M SC pioneer 3444 and M (W) 106 and M (Y) 202-A exhibited a significant increase in the fresh and dry matter yield followed by Sudan grass and Pearl millet. Low S2d and value of b around one with high yield over mean were found by T x M Y202-A, T x M pioneer for fresh yield and Pearl millet for dry matter. Graphical analysis confirmed the aforementioned results in addition it showed that fodder maize had the lowest values for fresh yield; meanwhile the highest values were detected by genotypes T x M W106, and T x M Pioneer 3444 for fresh and dry matter yield

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