The aim of this study is analyzing the economic indicators affecting train operation in ENR. ENR has
decreased in transport of passengers and goods due to failure in management, limited resources and decrease of fleet. The
weight of freight transport decreased from 12.2 million ton in 2004 to 3 million ton in 2013. Also, number of passengers
decreased from 450 million passenger in 2002 to 2007 million passenger in 2013.Thus, the authors studied the economic
indicators affecting the operation for Egyptian National Railways and the tools used to analyze it. These analyses included
operating performance and financial performance in terms of, passenger traffic, freight volume, overcrowding rate, No.
of accidents, existing fleet, time delaying, revenues, costs and deficits. The authors also evaluated these performance
indicators in terms of, l abor product ivity, pound productivity and trip productivity. Finally, the authors studied the
mathematical equation, which used in ENR for calculation of ticket price. |