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Dr. Ahmed Nabil Mahmoud khater :: Publications:

Simplified Compression Arch Action Model for R/C Beam-column Assemblages
Authors: Fouad B. A. Beshara, Ahmed A. Mahmoud, Osama O. El-Mahdy, and Ahmed N. Khater
Year: 2019
Keywords: Reinforced concrete; beam-column assemblage; progressive collapse; flexure capacity; compression arch action
Journal: Journal of Engineering Research and Reports
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Pages: 1-11
Publisher: SCIENCEDOMAIN international (SDI)
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Nabil Mahmoud khater_Simplified Compression Arch Action Model.pdf
Supplementary materials Ahmed Nabil Mahmoud khater_Appendix.pdf

A set of analytical equations are developed for calculating the beam-column assemblage flexure action capacity and compression arching action capacity under a middle column removal scenario. The suggested equations covered most of the main parameters affecting the assemblage behavior including seismic detailing, longitudinal reinforcement ratios, concrete confinement, and the contribution of concrete flanged slabs. The proposed analytical model for predicting the flexural and compression arching action capacities is validated with a large number of experimental results. The model provides a good estimation for 79 beam-column assemblages with several geometrical, reinforcement configurations, and material parameters. The mean values of the experimental to the theoretical ratio for calculating flexure and compression arching capacities are 1.15 and 1.16, respectively. The predictions of previous compression arch action models are found to be more conservative. Finally, the proposed model is utilized in parametric studies including all key parameters that affected resistance of the beam-column assemblages against progressive collapse.

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