Title |
In progress/Completed |
Tamoxifen for induction of ovulation in Clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome. |
Completed |
Is individual ovarian dimensions are reliable predictor of ovarian reserve? |
Completed |
Influence of Acute Maternal Oral Hydration on Amniotic Fluid Volume in Unexplained Oligohydramnios |
Completed |
Study of anaerobic organisms in non specific vaginitis. |
Completed |
Association between genital mycoplasma in cervical squamous cell atypia |
Completed |
Foley catheter versus prostaglandin E1 analogue for treatment of midtrimester missed abortion |
Completed |
Evaluation of Progestagen versus indomethacin releasing intrauterine systems in management of dysfunctional menorrhagia |
Completed |
N-acetyl cysteine vs. metformin in treatment of clomiphene citrate-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome |
Completed |
Sublingual misoprostol after surgical management of early termination of pregnancy |
Completed |
Prospective study of intraoperative intrauterine contraceptive device application during cesarean section |
Completed |
Evaluation of postcesarean pain After Intraperitoneal Lidocaine Instillation with parietal peritoneal closure |
Completed |
A randomized double blind comparison of Carbetocin and Oxytocin in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage |
Completed |
Vaginal pH versus transvaginal ultrasound measurement of cervical length in the mid-trimester as predictors of preterm labor |
Completed |
Specific immunoglobulin G and stool antigen assay for Helicobacter Pylori in hyperemesis gravidarum |
Completed |
Effect of Dexamethazone on fetal Doppler indices |
Completed |
Measurement of serum L Arginine level in obese and non obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome |
Completed |
Comparison of transvaginal ultrasonographic cervical length and Bishop score in predicting successful labor induction in pastdate pregnancy |
Completed |
Comparison between endometrial thickness by 2D US and endometrial volume by 3D US and D&C biopsy for evaluation of postmenopausal bleeding |
Completed |
Correlation between the presence of acetowhite epithelium during Visual Inspection after Acetic Acid (VIA) and the cervical pathology |
Completed |
Sonographic assessment of previous cesarean section scar in pregnant women |
Completed |
Effect of Nitroglycerin patches on Doppler Indices in cases of sever preeclampsia |
Completed |
Evaluation of Doppler indices of uterine artery and subendometrial blood flow in women with unexplained miscarriage |
In Progress |
Comparison of post-hysteroscopy transvaginal sonography versus laparoscopic chromopertubation for the assessment of tubal patency in infertile women |
Completed |
Primary infertility after female circumcision in Egypt |
Completed |
Efficacy of intraumbilical oxytocin in management of retained placenta |
In Progress |
Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 (g.−90(CA)13–25 and g.−1562C>T) genes polymorphism in preeclampsia and gestational hypertension |
Completed |