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Prof. Ahmed Mahmoud Ezzat Shash :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Postnatal growth pattern of infants less than 2,5 kg birth weight using Z scores In Progress
Urinary Neutrophil gelatinase associated Lipocalin (NGAL) in preterm infants with neonatal sepsis Completed
Serum malondialdehyde level as a marker of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy severity in neonates Completed
Magnetic resonance imaging findings in children with cerebral palsy Completed
Conventional phototherapy modalities in treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in term neonates Completed
Study of high sensitivity C reactive protein in bronchial asthma in children Completed
Effect of probiotics on duration and severity of acute infectious diarrhea in infancy Completed
Risk of bacteremia and fungemia in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and febrile neutropenia Completed
Evaluation of serum cortisol level in preterm infants with RDS Completed
Coagulopathies in children with β-thalassemia major Completed
Retrospective study of the pitfalls in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever in children Completed
Clinical value of neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, PKU and Galactosemia in Egypt Completed
Rapid diagnosis of bacterial meningitis with combur 9 reagent strips Completed
Serum ICAM-1 in children with rheumatic fever Completed
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