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Dr. Alaa Abd el Sadeq :: Theses :

Title A Program Based on some Habits of Mind in Developing Self- Efficacy Among History Student- teacher at The Faculty of Education
Type PhD
Supervisors Ali goda mohamed;and Reda hendi gomaa
Year 2022
Abstract The current study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the program based on some habits of mind to develop the self-efficacy among the student history teacher at the Faculty of education, and the study group consisted of (30) students. The self-efficacy scale was applied in the past to the study group and then the teaching of the program based on habits of mind that came titled "Marvels and conflicts" After the completion of his teaching, the self-efficacy scale was applied later to the study group, and the results of the study reached the effectiveness of the program based on habits of mind in developing self-efficacy among the student history teacher at the Faculty of Education recommended that pre-service and in-service history teachers should be encouraged to employ habits of mind by holding training courses for them to learn how to use the habits of the mind in the classroom.
Keywords Habits of mind - Self-efficacy
University banha
Country egypt
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Title A Program Based on Habits of Mind in Developing Historical Imagination Skills Among History Student- teacher at The Faculty of Education
Type PhD
Supervisors Ali goda mohamed; and Reda hendi goma
Year 2022
Abstract Abstract: The current study aimed to identify the effectiveness of habits of mind to develop the skills of historical imagination among the student history teacher at the Faculty of education, and the study group consisted of (30) students. The test of historical imagination skills was applied in the past to the study group and then the teaching of the program based on habits of mind that came titled "Marvels and conflicts" After the completion of his teaching, the test of historical imagination skills was applied later to the study group, and the results of the study reached the effectiveness of the program based on habits of mind in developing Historical Imagination skills among the student history teacher at the Faculty of Education recommended that pre-service and in-service history teachers should be encouraged to employ habits of mind by holding training courses for them to learn how to use the habits of the mind in the classroom.
Keywords : Habits of mind – historical imagination skills
University banha
Country egypt
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