Mit Kenana area, 40 km North of Cairo, represents the eastern fringes of the Nile Delta in Egypt.
Existing laterals spacing design of Mit Kenana area is reviewed. Then spread sheets are employed
to obtain laterals spacing, which is referred to as spread sheet design. Microsoft Excel software, as
instance for spread sheets, is employed to get the laterals spacing design of steady state
subsurface drainage systems. The most suitable and popular Hooghoudt equation is used to get
the spacing L, including the equivalent depth. Given data are depth to the impermeable layer,
radius of the pipe lateral, hydraulic conductivities of the soil above and below drain level, elevation
of the water table midway between the drains, and drainage rate. The lateral spacing L is assumed.
Calculations are done through the spread sheet and the final result of L is obtained. Check for the
obtained L is established with respect to the assumed value. Also, another check is employed for
the equivalent depth de.
Almost identical results are accomplished by spread sheet design compared with the existing
design. Laterals spacing design for steady state subsurface drainage systems employing spreadsheets is efficient, accurate, quick, easy and simple. |