Recently, e-learning has become a very important
topic, and researches are focusing on improving it using both the
technology and the pedagogical domain theories. Design patterns in e-learning are descriptions of good practice in e-learning. It focuses on providing a solution to a learning problem in such a way that designers can use this solution a million times over without ever doing it the way twice. Experts from different disciplines are supposed to use these patterns for different objectives related to their community. These objectives may need to use several patterns together and consequently form a pattern language, which can help in solving a group of interrelated problems. In this paper we introduce a new mechanism for building a learning design pattern language for designers who are using IMS-LD as standard specification. All the existing works consider the designer as a main actor and so they use the bottom-up approach in building the language. We add experts as
another actor and so we use a top-down approach to build a pattern language and a bottom-up approach to build patterns. Results show that our approach gets more stable results. |