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Dr. Alaa eldin Abdallah Yassin :: Publications:

RGB MAPS: a Proposed Database for solving Metabolic Pathway Hole
Authors: Alaa.yassin, Laila.Elfangary and Ahmed ElSadek
Year: 2012
Keywords: pathway hole, pathway dataset, gene finding
Journal: International Conference on INFOrmatics and Systems (INFOS2012)
Volume: 8
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Alaa eldin Abdallah Yassin_DE-06-44-52.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Filling pathway hole is a point of research in the field of Bioinformatics especially in metabolic pathway where the analysis of metabolic pathways is an essential topic in understanding the relationship between genotype and phenotype .The pillar of the research cycle is the data collection which precedes the analysis phase to solve the pathway hole. The required data for this area is scattered among different data sources, which represent a problem for the researchers of this area. This paper provides a solution to this obstacle by collecting the required data from various data sources in one database RGB MAPS. Also we have developed a tool that could be used by other researchers to analyze the pathway holes.

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