You are in:Home/Publications/Chemical Modifications and Design Influence the Potency of Huntingtin Anti-Gene Oligonucleotides, (2023), 33 (2), 117-131.

Dr. Alaa Salah Gouda Mohamed Salem :: Publications:

Chemical Modifications and Design Influence the Potency of Huntingtin Anti-Gene Oligonucleotides, (2023), 33 (2), 117-131.
Authors: Osama Saher, Eman M Zaghloul, Tea Umek, Daniel W Hagey, Negin Mozafari, Mathias B Danielsen, Alaa S Gouda, Karin E Lundin, Per T Jørgensen, Jesper Wengel, CI Edvard Smith, Rula Zain
Year: 2023
Keywords: Anti-gene oligonucleotides, Huntington, trinucleotide repeat, fatty acid conjugation, locked nucleic acid, lipofection.
Journal: Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
Volume: 33
Issue: 2
Pages: 117-131
Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Alaa Salah Gouda Mohamed Salem_nat.2022.0046.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative, trinucleotide repeat (TNR) disorder affecting both males and females. It is caused by an abnormal increase in the length of CAG CTG TNR in exon 1 of the Huntingtin gene (HTT). The resultant, mutant HTT mRNA and protein cause neuronal toxicity, suggesting that reduction of their levels would constitute a promising therapeutic approach. We previously reported a novel strategy in which chemically modified oligonucleotides (ONs) directly target chromosomal DNA. These anti-gene ONs were able to downregulate both HTT mRNA and protein. In this study, various locked nucleic acid (LNA)/DNA mixmer anti-gene ONs were tested to investigate the effects of varying ON length, LNA content, and fatty acid modification on HTT expression. Altering the length did not significantly influence the ON potency, while LNA content was critical for activity. Utilization of palmitoyl-modified LNA monomers enhanced the ON activity relatively to the corresponding nonmodified LNA under serum starvation conditions. Furthermore, the number of palmitoylated LNA monomers and their positioning greatly affected ON potency. In addition, we performed RNA sequencing analysis, which showed that the anti-gene ONs affect the ‘‘immune system process, mRNA processing, and neurogenesis.’’ Furthermore, we observed that for repeat containing genes, there is a higher tendency for antisense off-targeting. Taken together, our findings provide an optimized design of anti-gene ONs that could potentially be developed as DNA-targeting therapeutics for this class of TNR-related diseases.

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