You are in:Home/Publications/Stimulative Feeding of Honeybee Colonies on Brood Rearing and Hypopharyngeal Gland in Workers (Apis mellifera L.)

Prof. Elhosseny Elsayed hosseny Khalil :: Publications:

Stimulative Feeding of Honeybee Colonies on Brood Rearing and Hypopharyngeal Gland in Workers (Apis mellifera L.)
Authors: Nowar ,E. E. ; M. M. Khattab ; F. A. El-Lakwa and A. A. El-Berry
Year: 2011
Keywords: Not Available
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Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
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Local/International: Local
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The brood of honeybee worker's in 5-frame colonies fed on protein supplemental and substituted feeding and carbohydrates (nectar substitute) were estimated. The groups fed on nectar substitute had significantly more brood than those fed with syrup only. Other 5-frame experimental colonies that were fed on pollen-substitutes and nectar substitute had more brood rearing during the two years of study than if they did not. Colonies in commercial apiary reared more brood when they were given either pollen substitutes or nectar substitutes or both of them than if they not received any of them. Their were clear differences in hypopharyngeal gland (HPG) development under feeding with pollen-substitutes more than that fed on nectar supplements or sugar syrup only. Key words: honeybee, nutrition, hypopharyngeal gland, brood rearing

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