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Prof. Elhosseny Elsayed hosseny Khalil :: Publications:

Effect of Brewer’s yeast and soya bean cake on brood rearing, pollen gathering and honey yield in honey bee colonies
Authors: Naglaa E. Ghazala and E.E, Nowar
Year: 2013
Keywords: Honey bees, pollen, honey, brood rearing, soya bean cake, Brewer’s yeast.
Journal: Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor
Volume: 51
Issue: 3
Pages: 285-291
Publisher: faculty of Agricultur, Benha Univ., Egypt
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Elhosseny Elsayed hosseny Khalil_yeast and soya bean.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This work was conducted in the Apiary of Plant Protection Research Institute at El-Qanater El-Khiriya to study the effect of additive pollen substitute feeding of honey bee colonies on brood rearing, queen’s egg laying, pollen gathering and honey production through the period of 1st March to 29th August 2012. Results revealed that feeding the honey bee colonies on additive pollen substitute and sugar syrup (1:1) make honey bee colonies have significantly more brood rearing, queen's egg laying, pollen gathering and honey production than the control colonies which fed on sugar syrup only.

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