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Prof. Ali Y El-Etre :: Publications:

Amidopoly ethylamines as corrosion inhibitors for zinc dissolution in different acidic electrolytes. .
Authors: Abdallah, M., El-Etre, A.Y., Moustafa, M.F.
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
Volume: 27
Issue: 5
Pages: 615-630
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ali Y El-Etre_Ethylamines.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The effect of some amidopoly ethylamine, with different numbers of ethylamine units, on the corrosion of zinc electrode in ZnCl2, NH4Cl and (ZnCl2 + NH4Cl) electrolytes has been studied using galvanostatic polarization measurements. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increasing concentration, number of ethylamine units per molecule and with decreasing the temperature. Inhibition is explained on the basis of adsorption of amidopoly ethylamine molecules on the zinc electrode surface through their ethylamine groups. The inhibitors are adsorbed on the zinc electrode surface according to Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Some thermodynamic parameters are calculated and explained for the tested systems from the data obtained at different temperatures.

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