You are in:Home/Publications/ Natural honey as corrosion inhibitor for metals and alloys. I. Copper in neutral aqueous solution. .

Prof. Ali Y El-Etre :: Publications:

Natural honey as corrosion inhibitor for metals and alloys. I. Copper in neutral aqueous solution. .
Authors: El-Etre, A.Y.
Year: 1998
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Corrosion Science
Volume: 40
Issue: (11)
Pages: 1845-1850
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ali Y El-Etre_honey1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The inhibition action of natural honey on the corrosion of copper in a 9[4 M sodium chloride solution has been evaluated by weight loss measurements and cathodic polarization technique[ A good inhibition e.ciency is observed which increases with an increase in inhibitor concentration[ After some time the inhibition e.ciency decreased due to the growth of fungi in the medium. The Tafel slope is changed markedly in the presence of natural honey[ The adsorption of natural honey on the copper:chloride interface is found to follow the Langmuir isotherm

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