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Prof. Ali Y El-Etre :: Publications:

Polyamide compounds as inhibitors for corrosion of aluminum in oxalic acid solutions.
Authors: Abdallah, M., Megahed, H.E., El-Etre, A.Y., Obied, M.A., Mabrouk, E.M.
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Bulletin of Electrochemistry
Volume: 20
Issue: (6)
Pages: 277-281
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The effect of two polyamide compounds on the corrosion behavior of aluminum metal in oxalic acid solution was investigated using potentiostatic and potentiodynamic anodic polarization techniques. The inhibition efficiency increases with increasing polyamide concentration until a critical value and then starts to decrease in high polymer concentrations, indicating low inhibition efficiency. The inhibitive behavior of these compounds is discussed in terms of adsorption of the polyamide compounds on the metal surface and formation of insoluble complexes. The adsorption process is found to obey Temkin adsorption isotherm. The pitting potential varies with concentration of chloride ions according to a linear relationship. The addition of polyamide compounds shifts the pitting potential of aluminum electrode to more positive potentials, indicating an increased resistance to pitting attack.

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