This invitation was carried out during 200312004. 2004/2005 and 200512006 seasons at sensons field expcrimen4s. The expcruncnts werer performed at Al-Gemineza. Moshtohor. Toska and Giza in 2003/2004, 2004/2005 and
2005/2006. Shandv.ccL Zar,oura w 200412005 and 2005f2006 and Nika,ia ut
200512000 at Agriculture Rizch Stations. Agriculture Rcscareh Cc*$cr 6ck
These atca rcpnnent Nomb. South. Middie Delta. Upper Egyjx and Ncw Va1lc to
esihiaic t’ienty four gcno. un&r seventeen cmi,onmcnts and their interaction
for nwl*u of spikcsfm2, 1000-kernel v.oghi and grain yield (ardaW(d.)t In addition
to et*ntition o(plicnotpلc and genorvp.c stability Jxanundcra awtting to Ebcrhars
and Rusiell (1966) atad Tas (1971). retٌely. The design used wi a Randomlsed
Complete Block .The cksaincd results may he sumnurùnd:
1. Ensuotuncnt mean sqiwes iest highly significant for nunthir of spikcthn.
1000 kcrnd weighe and gTain yield (arVfcً). El (Gcmmciza 2003/2004)
cmi rcnmcnt was siçenor to the other locations regarding number o(tpikcsPm
while the 1000 kernel weight ifiich rocordcd the bghc mean value in E14
(Moshtohor200S/2006). For grain yield (ardaM’cً). the aرronments msn*cr
li (Shandwxl 2004/2005) and ،6 (Shandweei 2005/2006) rocorded the highc
valons foliownd by cnsùonmcnts number 8 (Moduohor 2004/2005) and 13
(Gcinmciza 2005/2006).
2. Number of spikcs/m2. 1000-kernel wdght and grain yield (axt) were
tigniٌcandy affixicd by gaiee Based est the ou all means gcnc4ypcs
number 2 (Gcm.7) and 6 (GemS) pie the highest significant values foc msn*er
of spikrthn2, 1000-kernel wesghi and grain yield (arsk’feً) compared lo the
other gencpes while gcnotpc ou. 17 (LIS) gave the lowcat significant number
o(spikcsrnz. l000.&umci weight and grain yield (a’fccL),
3. Significant micrartion bctwecn gemypes and cm’uoiuncnls were detected for
number o(spik&mt. 1000-kernel weight and grain yield (ard). ( Feddan
• 4200 m
4- For grain yield (art CL). the genotypes number 2 (Gcnt7). 6 (Gan.5). 7(1-5).
* (1.6). 9 (1-7). 10 (1.4 IS (L13), 22 (G.168) and 23 (Gcm9) wese the
pbenoypically stable where they gave the highest niean vahies than grand mean
b - I arel S equal erro, The gcnotypcs number 2 (Gcm.7). 13(1-II), 21(1-19),
18(1-16). 6 (Gem,5), 17(LI5) and 23 (Gem.9) were genetically stabie for gnin
yidd under the emvotunenta