New twenty eight F5 lines of bread wheat were selected (rout I iO F1 faiiiilics
aecording to their supcrioij( in ield atid one or morc olds auribuics and evaluated with
their parents and the tecuruiuuiciidcd check vartctv (Sakha X in 1996/1997 grottui season
iiiidei Ras Siidr saliiiitv conditions, Significani nican sqii:irc dificrences among all
cnotvpes were detected in respect to all traits recorded Wide and significant diI1rences
among the nets k’ F wheat hues for all characters sscrc observed. The cesen lines. 60,.
403. 303, 2n. 410. 104 and tiO2 ranked as the best newly gdnoIïxs fur grain yicld!pt:inl
tinder the cspcnmcntal conditions and ieldcd more Ihait thc best parent by: 11.34. 2W72.
27 92. 27.72. 27,42. 26.65 and 21 69%, respectivek’. This snpcnorit contributed to a hili
value for one or ubre of thc ‘ie1d attributes. Phenotypic correlation enerncients showed
posliive relationship for grain yield/plant wنhi cadi of nmiiuibcr of grains/spike and lito-
grain weight indicating flint selection for cadi or both characters ssoiild he accoimipanied
by high yielding abihit under similar cuis iron,ncm,ts