Estimates of additive, dominance vanance and expected advances front
diflcrcnt methods of selection for grain yield were calculated accoiding to
Design - 1 in the synthetic variety of maite. “Moshtobor-2”. Dala were collected
on grain yield per plant (g). plant arid ear heights (cnt). number of rows per car.
number of kernels per row and 100-kernel weight.
The additive genetic variance was significant for plant and ear heights
and number of rows per car However, the dominance variance was significan
for most trails Moderate lo high heritability values were detected for all trails
except 1(X)-kernel weight. The heritability values in narrow sense ranged from
66 21 for plant height to icro for 1(N) - kernel weight
The predicted genetic advance per cycle for improvement the vaٌct
under study using mass selection one six. modified car-to-row selection, half-sib
family selection, full-sib family selection, progeny test and S1 family selection
ere 2.57. 3.01. 7.53. 626. ،2.04 and X 79%. re,cctively. Progeny test and S1
family selection seem to be the best methods to improve the variety under study.