Four field experiments were carried out during 1990and .199 I seasons at the Experimenta Farm, Faculty of
Agriculture,Minufiya,Universjty, Shehin El-Kom to studythe effect of irrigation intervals, plant densitieson some
agronomie characters,yield and yield components of some
corn, varieties. Plant height, ear height, L.A.. No. of ears/ plant,grain yield/plant and fadden were significantly increased with the decrease in irrigation period. The highest values for yield and its componens.i.e. No.of ears/plant, No.of rows/ear, No.of kernels! row, grain yield/plant and fad. were obtained from T.W.c. 310. while composite 5 gave the lowest values for yield and its components. The No. of plants / hill had a significant effect on leaf angle, No.of ears/plant and grain yield/plant.However, tile other characters did not seem to be influenced. The highest grain yield ! fad. was obtained when hills spaced at 30 cnى between hills, but without sgnificant superiority over 40 cm apart .
T.W.C. 31 0 and D. C. 204 had the highest mean values for all the studied characters. While composite 5 gave the lowest mean values for the most studied traits. The highest mean value for grain yield/fad. was obtained from40 cm spacing with two plan/hill. |