In the last three years the farmes in the new reclaimed lands found some phytotoxic symptoms after rainfall. Samples from rain water were analyzed for the detection of pesticides, acids and heavy metals.
Primary results indicated that all tested samples which were collected from three different parts of Cairo and from Kalubia, Alexanderia and Ismaillia gover-norates were acidic. The pH varied between 6.8 and 5.2.
Lindane, DDT, malathion and about seven unknown organic materials were detected by GLC in the tested water. The concentration of pesticide residues varied between 10.3 and 43.2 ppb.
The quantity of dust and solid materials/n3 varied between 23.4 and 54.6 g. The heavy metals which were detected in most of the samples were iron, vanadium, lead and zinc. Complete chemical picture for the rain water over the four gover-norates have been obtained including chlorides, sulphates, bicarbonates, sodium,
1. Faculty of Agric, Moshtohor, Kalubia.
2. Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt. |