Milk and its products are a main constituent of the daily diet ,especially for vulnerable groups such as infants, school-age children, pregnant, lactating women and old age. A total of 128 samples were collected at random from different sources and sites in Egypt. Seven samples were human milk, 67 were cows milk and the rest were Buffaloes milk. All the tested samples were analysed for the detection of fat, sugar, protein and ash. Data indicate that there was a great difference in their constituents .Buffaloes milk headed all the tested milk samples in its contents of fat, protein and total ash, while human milk had a greatest percentage in sugar. All the tested samples of buffaloes and cow milk contained DDT and/or its metabolites, lindane, endrin, dieldrin,while only 85 % of the tested human milk samples contained one or more of the investigated pesticides The presence of these residues varied between traces to 11.9 ppm. in buffaloes and cow milk ,while the maximum residue level was 1.26 ppm in the case of human milk.The level of pesticide residues was related to the fat content of the tested milk. Buffaloe milk headed all the other tested milk in its content of pesticide residues followed by cow and finally by human milk.
Shams El-Din 1989 (in Egypt); Mukherjee and Gopal 1993 (in Delhi); Trotter and Dickerson 1993 (in United States) and Kristoforovic, Inic and Slavic 1995 (in Yugoslavia). MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 128 samples were collected at random from different sources and sites in Egypt. Twenty seven samples were human milk, 67 were cow milk and the rest were buffaloes milk. The samples were kept in deep-freezer under -18°C until analysis. For the determination of protein, Ash, fat and lactose,the same methods reported by.FAO 1986 were conducted. Standards used: The following primary standards were obtained from the repository of the U.S. Environment Protection Agency at Research Triangle Park, N.C. These standards included, aldrin, dieldrin, BF1C, chlordane, DDE, DDD, DDA, DDT, endrin, heptachlor and lindane. The working standard solutions of three concentrations were prepared daily 1,2 and 4 nanogram per microliter with pesticide quality hexane solvent. Extraction and clean up: One step extraction and clean up was conducted according to the modified multiresidue method of Stiive and Cardmale. 1974 as reported by Abdel-Fatah et al., 1992. Detection: Hewlett Packard , Model (HP5890 A) prograntable gas chrornatograph with HP -101 methyl silicone tinkle |