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Dr. Ali Saad Rizk Shanour :: Publications:

The Behavior of Portland Limestone-Calcined Clays Cement at 5° C
Authors: Hanaa Y. Ghorab , Hossam E.H. Ahmed 2, Ali.S. Shanour and Hamdy M.A. Wahdan
Year: 2018
Keywords: Portland limestone cement; Calcined clays, Sulfate solutions, Compressive strength, Expansion, 5oC
Journal: Key Engineering Materials
Volume: Volume 761
Issue: August 2018
Pages: 35 - 143
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ali Saad Rizk Shanour_The-Behavior-of-Portland-Limestone-Calcined-Clays-Cement-at-5C.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The effect of calcined clays of the swelling type, on the strength and expansion behavior of Portland limestone cement is studied at 5oC. Local clays were thermally activated by burning one hour at 900 °C and were ground to a Blaine of 2842 (cm2/g). The pozzolanic reactivity of the activated clays was defined chemically and according to ASTM C311/C311M-13. Portland limestone cement was prepared by replacing 30% CEM I 42.5 N by limestone powder. Pozzolanic cements were prepared by replacing 10 and 20% of the limestone powder by calcined clays, the mixes were used to replace 30% of CEM I. Mortars specimens pre-cured for 28-day long as well as for a short period of one day, were immersed in sulfate solutions at 5oC for time up to 90 days. The compressive strength and length change were measured for the samples. The results show that replacement of limestone with calcined clays improves the compressive strength and the expansion of Portland limestone cement mortars in water and sulfate solutions. Ettringite was detected in the expanded mortars and no thaumasite formed. The results are interpreted in terms of the mechanism of thaumasite formation.

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