You are in:Home/Publications/Badr, E., Paparrizos, K., Samaras, N., Baloukas, T. (2005) " A web-based solver for the single source shortest path problem".18th Conference of Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS).

Prof. Alsayed alsayed mitwali badr :: Publications:

Badr, E., Paparrizos, K., Samaras, N., Baloukas, T. (2005) " A web-based solver for the single source shortest path problem".18th Conference of Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS).
Authors: E.M.Badr, Paparrizos, K., Samaras, N., Baloukas,
Year: 2005
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
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In this work we present a new web-based visualization software which has two uses: it can be used either as solver for the single source shortest path problem or as teaching and self-studying material for common shortest path algorithms. The software features running animations for many graph and network algorithms. Among others it encompasses animations for three well-known graph algorithms: the DAG shortest paths algorithm which applies in weighted directed acyclic graphs, the Dijkstra’s algorithm for graphs with nonnegative weights and finally the Bellman-Ford algorithm that handles negative weights and can also detect negative cycles. The proposed tool can be used by teachers trying to explain the abovementioned algorithms to students. In addition it has been programmed as Java applet and is therefore freely accessible from the web by any student who wants to deepen their understanding of shortest paths algorithms. The use of visualization in teaching algorithms courses is being used extensively the last decades. As a consequence, many similar tools have been developed. We argue how the proposed software overcomes limitations exhibited from similar algorithm visualization tools. Finally we document our experiences using it in the Network Optimization course at our Department and we conclude with future research this work may lead.

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