You are in:Home/Publications/E. M. Badr and B. Mohamed (2017), Complexity of Linear and General Cyclic Snake Networks,International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol.3(2017), 57-70 [ ISI Indexed: Impact Factor 1.743]

Prof. Alsayed alsayed mitwali badr :: Publications:

E. M. Badr and B. Mohamed (2017), Complexity of Linear and General Cyclic Snake Networks,International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol.3(2017), 57-70 [ ISI Indexed: Impact Factor 1.743]
Authors: E. M. Badr and B. Mohamed
Year: 2017
Keywords: Number of spanning trees, Cyclic snakes networks, Entropy
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract In this paper we prove that the number of spanning trees of the linear and general cyclic snake networks is the same using the combinatorial approach. We derive the explicit formulas for the subdivided fan network and the subdivided ladder graph . Finally, we calculate their spanning trees entropy and compare it between them. Abstract In this paper we prove that the number of spanning trees of the linear and general cyclic snake networks is the same using the combinatorial approach. We derive the explicit formulas for the subdivided fan network and the subdivided ladder graph . Finally, we calculate their spanning trees entropy and compare it between them.

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